Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So,  this morning I was thinking of what I normally do this time of year. Back in the NM days there was floral design. I would be gearing up for Christmas  orders for parties, decorate a ton of wreaths, and corporate office decorating to complete. These days it  usually is finishing  sweaters for the magazine and photo shoot deadlines. i usually spend the Thanksgiving weekend, christmas  time off, and New Year break  knitting like an idiot to finish Knitter's projects

This year is different, I have no sweater designs scheduled for the next issue...thank heaven. I still have ideas I need to get started for my book, but otherwise I am at a loss of what to do, knitwise. So I have the quilting to play with....


  1. Im sure you will find something crafty to do..maybe some new stockings or tree skirt. I am planning on doing some gifts too.

  2. Well, i do have two new great-nieces who have yet to be burdened with handknit sweaters....(insert Evil Grin here).....
